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Worch LEGO Creations Rules


LEGO Creations will always be held in the basement and once the children are in the basement they must stay down there until their responsible party comes in to pick them up.  The responsible party member (parent or guardian) will need to come down to the basement to pick up the child.  We will not be sending children upstairs or out into the parking lot since this has created problems. When picking up the children the responsible party member may use the stairs or elevator to come down/go back up.


Children needing to use the restroom will be allowed to use the restroom downstairs located behind the basement check-out desk. When a child is finished with their LEGO project they may work on homework or talk amongst friends in the designated area until picked up. Children are required to clean up any Legos they dropped on the ground before they leave. Children are not allowed to connect their baseplates to make their play area larger. This is to make sure there are enough baseplates for everyone and so their final build can fit in one of the display cases upstairs. 


LEGO Creations is the second Wednesday of the month from September to May at 3:15 to 4:00.  Children must be picked up by 4:30.  If you have any questions or concerns with this or any program feel free to contact us.


Phone: 937-526-3416


Website page:   Contact Us


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